Opportunities will knock.

“Lightbulb” learning experiences for students, teams, and leaders that open doors, cultivate connection, and develop meaningful careers.


How We Can Help with Employee Retention, Satisfaction, and Organizational Health

When organizations are focused on growth, it’s easy to miss signs of stress. Watch this video to learn more about how Opportunities Knock can help job seekers, teams, workforce development organizations, and leaders boost overall workforce health and performance with essential and durable skill-based training programs.

What’s Your Current Workforce Challenge?

Cultivate High Quality Connection at Work

For new hires, onboarding programs, workforce development initiatives, and talent pipeline, develop people-skills and know-how that results in your workforce “knocking” thoughtfully to open doors with internal colleagues, leadership, customers, and your community, while boosting wellbeing.

Foster Next-Level Team Collaboration

Reduce operational costs and boost efficiency by empowering internal teams to collaborate intentionally, and fearlessly, share openly, and venture out beyond team titles and “walls”, while focusing on human-centric customer relationships.

Build Confidence for Career Development

Employee retention and workforce loyalty starts with building confidence and enabling career growth from within. Individual contributors & leaders own their careers, we provide the tools and skills. Their success is your success.

Build Resilience, Gain Strategies to Overcome Career Challenges, Empowered

Equip new hires in onboarding programs, workforce development initiatives, and your talent pipeline with critical communication soft skills that set them up for success, whether you have an in-person, hybrid, or remote work style.

Lighten the load for job seekers, reframe networking for lasting professional partnerships

Reduce operational costs and boost efficiency by empowering internal teams to collaborate intentionally, and fearlessly, share openly, and venture out beyond team titles and “walls”, while focusing on human-centric customer relationships.

Boost Wellbeing to improve productivity, engagement, and impact

Employee retention and workforce loyalty starts with building confidence and enabling career growth from within. Individual contributors & leaders own their careers, together, we provide the tools and skills. Their success is your success.

KNOCK, the career development bestselling book

KNOCK: How to Open Doors and Build Career Relationships that Matter, the career development bestseller authored by Rebecca Otis Leder, was published in 2021. It has been recognized by FastCompany, Inc. Magazine, PBS, and NPR.

KNOCK features The Knock Method®: 5 Steps to Building High Quality Career Relationships, the research-backed framework to help students, graduates, emerging and developing leaders slow down, prepare to connect, reach out intentionally and open the door to build positive, mutually-beneficial, long-term professional relationships. It includes exclusive first-hand interviews with Adam Grant, founders of Wolcott College Prep school, Twist Out Cancer, Move for Hunger, and leaders of Lifeway Foods, and the Anti-defamation League, and 10 tools to support your career growth at any stage.

Recognized by:

Rebecca Otis Leder shares 4 ways to start building high quality career relationships on Fast Company
Rebecca Otis Leder author of KNOCK career development book with An Inc. Original

Opportunities Knock has delivered talent, career, and leadership learning & development programs in
partnership with over 20 local and global organizations.

opportunities knock client partner logos portfolio

Where are your biggest career and talent opportunities right now?

For Teams/Organizations

Employee Retention & Growth

Many organizations set a goal of a specific employee retention rate. Leading organizations set a goal of measuring employee satisfaction and fulfillment first, and the retention will follow. Let’s partner up on employee fulfillment workshops.

Workforce Connection & Inclusion

Who’s responsible for creating a culture of inclusion at work? Every member of an organization. Leaders set the stage by creating a culture of trust and psychological safety. And organizations invest in training and development programs that empower employees to connect across the organization and advocate for themselves. Let’s build these skills together.

Cross-Functional Collaboration

Are your employees working harder or smarter? Are there too many meetings that talk about work, leaving little time to get the work done? Building internal collaboration skills through The Knock Method workshops will boost productivity, and increase efficiency by reducing duplicate efforts with people with complementary roles and skillsets partner up. Let’s cultivate these skills through hands-on training.

Career & Talent Development

Are you working to develop employees or to help employees grow? Employees don’t want to be developed. The individuals who work within your organization want to be seen, heard, and provided opportunities to grow in the way they want to grow. Let’s provide them the skills to drive career conversations to grow with your organization because they want to.

New Hire/Onboarding for Success

Your employees may have started working at your company on Day 1 with a laptop you shipped to them and a virtual meeting. Or, they arrived at the office knowing only those in their interview. Whether they are just starting their career or they’re new to your org, let’s provide them the tools they need to feel confident and prepared to connect with anyone in the organization when they need something or just want to connect.

Employee Wellbeing

Nurture employee wellbeing and foster human connection for job fulfillment and happy employees. Happy employees equal happy people. Happy people do great work and make a bigger impact, while feeling healthy and good. Let’s provide professional development workshops and learning programs where people get to be who they are, and feel good with the work that they do and their unique way of doing it.

For Individuals

Seeking Balance, Wellbeing, & Job Fulfillment through a Job Search or Career Change

The job search can weigh you down. But, what if you felt excited about who you were connecting with and the prospect of working for an organization and team that lifts you up and helps you grow in the way you want to? Explore ways to get personalized job search coaching and guidance.

Differentiating through Personal Brand

What is a personal brand and where does it live? It’s ever-changing as you build new skills and define what you want in your career. Need help crafting your personal brand? Let’s talk about personalized one-on-one or group coaching to help you craft your elevator pitch that resonates with the right organization, hiring manager, role, or community.

Building Confidence to Build a Rich Career Network

Everyone talks about networking, but who’s talking about how to do it effectively and genuinely, and for mutual benefit? We are! The Knock Method is all about building a mutually-valuable, impactful career network of individual relationships. Join my online courses, free monthly KNOCK Neighborhood Nights (networking calls), read KNOCK, the book, or sign up for personalized coaching to help you network with confidence.

Guidance for Career Growth & the Path to Leadership

Have your sights set on the next level at work? Let’s explore personalized career coaching to identify strategies to advocate for yourself and have the right conversations to help guide you towards your goals.

Seeking Mentorship, Internal Sponsorship & Advocacy

Whether you’re looking to move teams and need some extra support on that target team to help get you there, or you feel mentorship would guide you in your career, personalized coaching can help you develop a connection strategy to build the right relationships in your career.

Finding the Right Mentors

Having a mentor sounds great, but where do you begin? It’s about laying a foundation with people you admire in your career, organization, and industry. But, how might you open the door to a relationship to these individuals, and establish a mutually-valuable partnership? Personalized mentorship coaching can help you not only develop the skills to build meaningful mentoring relationships, but you’ll get introductions to possible mentors too!

Upcoming Programs

Check out new career & connection workshops, upcoming events, and community gatherings to build your professional network, gain skills to support your career growth, or discover group learning experiences to help your teams at work foster deeper human connection to boost wellbeing and business impact. Check out the event calendar and join us.

knock neighborhood night free career networking event
career relationships and resilience training and workshop

Ready to open new doors?

Interested in career coaching or online courses to help you build a meaningful career? Or, are you looking to bring mind-shifting, behavior-shaping learning experiences to your work team, non-profit organization, or student group? Let’s connect!

Let’s Partner

You’ve found the right partner for your Learning & Development needs. Here’s how we can partner:


Choose from 10 workshops that cultivate high quality connection at work whether you’re looking to foster connection an inclusion, support career development, or build resilience through relationships.

Online Courses

Join an open, live online course for career changers, or bring it to your team where they’ll gain confidence and learn how to reach out to anyone in their careers with intention, and for mutual benefit.

Learning Design

Looking for a custom learning program to support your talent and leadership development initiatives? Let’s co-create the engaging, sticky, progressive workshop, training, course you need.

Client Reviews

From book readers to leaders who hosted The Knock Method workshops for their student and leadership groups, here’s what participants and partners are saying:

Rebecca came in to help develop the minds of 17 student leaders in how to build meaningful relationships in their career paths and beyond. My students walked away with tangible tools to help them take the first steps toward their careers. You should have seen their faces when she revealed that she identified a professional connection for each of them!

The students were thrilled to begin practicing The Knock Method tools in real-time. I’m walking away from our student leadership retreat with a feeling of gratitude and excitement for the current and future leaders of Colorado.


Megan Burmeister

Assistant Director, CU Boulder Hillel

Rebecca is engaging, knowledgeable and possesses a wealth of shareable experiences that demonstrates the power of The Knock Method. She provides a toolkit to attendees to put the framework into practice. In a world of virtual meetings, the workshop was vibrant and refreshing!

Even with practice, we still encountered technology difficulties that Rebecca embraced and incorporated into her workshop. Her flexibility and professionalism was yet another demonstration of her methodology and much appreciated.


Kaila Richardson

Senior Manager, Strategic Projects & Risk Management, Aon

Talent, Career, & Leadership Development News, Ideas, & Strategies

Dive into recent blog posts and articles for inspiration and strategies to connect more thoughtfully in your career.

fastcompany featured rebecca otis leder building career relationships

4 Ways to Start Building Quality Business Relationships that Will Advance Your Career

Learn about High Quality Relationships (HQC’s) and how to build them in your professional world on FastCompany.

business and career success factor opportunities knock rebecca leder

Leaders, Job Seekers, & Entrepreneurs: The Career & Business Success Factor You’re Likely Missing

Considering a career change? Here’s the most important question to ask to make sure it’s an intentional move.

knock open career doors

How to Open Doors to In Your Career through Networking

There’s more to networking than meets the eye. Learn about The Knock Method’s intentional approach to relationship building on Silicon Republic.

Having more compassion in the workplace

Dive into why having compassion in the workplace matters for building human connection at work, on WJLA / ABC NEWS 7, Good Morning Washington


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