Looking to make the right career change? This is not your average job search class. Learn the strategies to connect with hiring managers, people on teams you want to work on, new professional contacts who will help you narrow down the companies and roles that are worth your time to pursue, mentors, and even family and friends who can help you set career direction. We’ll get very hands on, you’ll learn in a supportive environment with other mindful career changers, and open the door with at least one new strategic career contact who can help you as you craft your meaningful career. Plus, you’ll get a signed copy of the bestselling book, KNOCK: How to Open Doors and Build Career Relationships that Matter, and a set of resources that serve as a back-pocket guide that you can reference time and time again throughout your career.

Check out a snapshot below of what to expect when you join this online course. It’s a safe, supportive live group learning environment where you can explore your career goals, get peer and coach feedback from Rebecca, learn about new people you can connect with to grow your professional network, and set a focused strategy to help you make a career change that is aligned with your values and goals.