KNOCK: How to Open Doors and Build Career Relationships is the career development bestselling book by Rebecca Otis Leder, published in March 2021 by An Inc. Original (affiliated with Inc. Magazine) and Greenleaf Book Group, featured by FastCompany, Inc. Magazine, NPR, and PBS. It’s for career builders, career growers, and career changers (isn’t that most of us?) and it’s a practical guide that accompanies Rebecca’s original career development training curriculum, The Knock Method, that teaches us how to build high quality, mutually-beneficial, positive relationships in our careers. Check out the national news coverage for KNOCK!
KNOCK features the research-backed 5 step method for building deep, human connection in our careers, The Knock Method®.

Get The “Uncovered” Chapter on Career Relationships & Resilience
Go Behind the Scenes
With 12 first-hand stories from and interviews with the most inspirational of leaders:
- Adam Grant, NY Times Bestselling Author & Wharton Professor
- Adam Lowy, Founder of Move for Hunger
- Eric Silverstein, Restauranteur at The Peached Tortilla
- Gerald Chertavian, Founder of Year Up
- Jeff Aeder and Jennifer Levine, Founders of Wolcott College Prep
- Jenna Benn Shersher, Founder of Twist Out Cancer
- Julie Smolyansky, CEO of Lifeway Foods
- Michael Lieberman, Former Counsel of the Anti-Defamation League
- Rick Otis, Financial Advisor at Mass Mutual
- Samantha Adams Becker, formerly Executive Director @ ASU University Technology Office
Nerd Out with Social Psychology Research Simplified
Rebecca waded through academic and scientific evidence that proves why and how building positive career relationships is good for all of us, our work environment, our business outcomes, and employee wellbeing, including body and mind.
Writing IN your book is encouraged!
Make KNOCK your own with 10 ready-to-use tools, resources, and team exercises. Take the concepts off the page and into the real world with an actionable appendix, featuring:
- A handy list of 50 informational interview questions
- A guide to writing a message to connect with someone new
- A Mentoring Honor Code (for mentor and mentee) to help with accountability and two-way supportive relationship building

KNOCK for a Cause
Order signed copies of KNOCK, and 20% will be donated to Twist Out Cancer, a global organization whose origin story is featured in KNOCK, to support their community of those touched by cancer through the arts and creative therapy.