Opportunities Knock

learning experience design and career and talent development



KNOCK, the book by Rebecca Otis Leder, has been featured in media outlets nationally. Take a look at the press coverage:

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Covering everything from networking, to building career connections, and even the fear of rejection, Rebecca has joined many podcasts to talk about her book, Knock, and The Knock Method. You can check out those podcasts here or by clicking the button below.

Rebecca Otis Leder, author of KNOCK: How to Open Doors and Build Career Relationships that Matter, defines High Quality Connections in our careers, and shares tips on how to cultivate them on FastCompany.com.
Rebecca Otis Leder’s editor Josh Bernoff shares tips on how not to ask for free publicity and how the book, KNOCK: How to Open Doors and Build Career Relationships that Matter, can help you establish high quality professional relationships for long-term value.
Rebecca joins influencer lawyer, Jon Pfeiffer, to discuss how to cultivate meaningful influencer and brand partnerships and career relationships on his podcast: The Creative Influencer.
Rebecca Leder joins Lisa Lewis Miller of the Career Clarity Show podcast to chat about building high quality career connections. Tune in!
Rebecca Leder and David Fisher chat about compassion at work, career development strategies through relationship building, and even beer and music on his podcast, Beer, Beats, and Business. Tune in!
Rebecca Leder joins Olivia Reed of Olivia’s Grad School Vlogs to chat about building meaningful career relationships for graduate students.
Rebecca Leder joins ABC Chicago to chat about strategies for building high quality career connections for graduates and professional development.

Rebecca Leder meet with Nadia a the University of Texas at Austin Co-op to discuss KNOCK, the career development book, her career path, and tips for graduates.

Rebecca Otis Leder, author of KNOCK: How to Open Doors and Build Career Relationships that Matter, shares tips for building high quality career relationships and networking strategies on PHL 17.
Rebecca Otis Leder shares her tips for building high quality career relationships with AZFamily’s Olivia Fierro on Good Morning, Arizona.
Rebecca Otis Leder, author of KNOCK, the book, shares her career experience with Mona on Cincy Lifestyle and details on upcoming career events.

Rebecca Otis Leder, author of KNOCK, and The Knock Method, shares her advice for building career connections, even in a virtual world with LocalSYR in Syracuse, NY.

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