Opportunities Knock

learning experience design and career and talent development


For Teams

Whether your hybrid, virtual, or recent return-to-work teams are still trying to find their groove, employees are not feeling empowered to reach out and connect across the organization, or you feel efficiencies can be gained with a culture that embraces collaboration, these Talent, Learning, & Development services are here to help. Explore our new blended self-paced & live digital course on: The Knock Method®: Outreach for Success communications framework to uplevel connection, collaboration, inclusion, and career development within your group or organization. Build it into your Learning Management System for seamless learning you can make accessible to your learners in less than 1 hour.

What impact will we make together?


Strengthen workforce wellbeing, employee satisfaction, and compassion through connection and inclusion workshops

Build career and communications soft skills curriculum into your existing programs and Learning Management Systems


Invite Rebecca to inspire with real-world stories and bring applicable strategies to Employee Resource Groups, events, conferences, and Lunch & Learns.

Learn about Opportunities Knock service offerings for teams, and explore ways we can partner to not only meet your organizational workforce goals, but make a lasting impact on the individuals you work with to enrich their wellbeing through meaningful work.

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